In this list, we include most of Best GK books for competitive exams like IBPS, SBI, and RBI, etc. You can buy directly from the link given below. Here you find various ibps general awareness books and authors. IBPS General Knowledge books are the primary source of latest ibps exam study material.
Now in this article, we are talking about some of the best books for preparation of General Awareness. Check the complete list of IBPS General knowledge syllabus topics and their marks distribution here.
Here is a complete guide on How to Increase General Awareness for Bank Exam? And IBPS GK books are also the best source of preparation.Ī large number of topics are cover in it like the latest current affairs, politics, economy, sports, media, finance, marketing, etc. Those have better command they will score well in IBPS Exam. General Knowledge ( GK) is a common subject for almost all banking sector and other competitive exams.
IBPS General Awareness Books for Bank Exams | General Knowledge Preparation Books for PO, Clerk, Law Officer, and RRBs.